Author: rangeibhlin
Lá Spóirt
100wc by Tomás
A funny day
One day my friend and I went to the circus when the clowns came out they were very funny because one had very long legs and he was about to topple over it was hilarious. He fell over and his bottom was showing Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. Suddenly we hear a lion roar and the crowd becomes silent, everybody including Gerald thinks it’s a lion, to everyone’s surprise a tamer appeared behind the clown scaring the clown away. As the clown ran he tripped over his big clown feet and ripped his trousers.
By tomas
100wc by Ruby
Superhero School
Green Lantern (AKA, Gerald) was the worst bully in the whole of Superhero School. After he did something unspeakable yesterday, Invisible man (AKA, Issack) and Wonder Woman (AKA, Wendy) decided to get revenge. Issack turned invisible and started tickling Gerald. Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing! “HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!” he laughed. “Who’s tickling me?” he laughed. Of course, Wendy was not going to miss this, so she started tickling Gerald too! The teacher heard all the noise they were making and came straight over. “What’s going on here?” she boomed. “Everyone else is inside!” “Sorry Miss.” They chorused and dashed inside. Playing Superhero School was fun, but now it’s time for real school.
The End
By Ruby.
100wc by Rían
What’s so funny?
One day a kid called Gerald. Gerald woke up. He thought it was April fools. When he finished getting ready for school Gerald put a woopy cushion in his bag. When Gerald got to the school he put the woopy cushion on his friend Tim’s chair. When Tim sat down on the woopy cushion it made a fart noise. Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. “What’s so funny” asked Tim. “April fools,” shouted Gerald. “It’s not April fools yet” explained Tim. “What?” said Gerald in confusion. “It’s only March” said Tim.
100wc by Rebecca
The fall
One day Gerald was in school and his class was doing art. They were making self-portrait if they were finished then they had to clean their tables, wash their paint brushes and help collect the art work from last week. Gerald finished first because he is the best at art in his class at art. The teacher had no jobs for Gerald to do so he helped her with the sweeping. When they had finished sweeping the teacher fell over. The class and Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. They all had the Hysterics for the rest of the day. The End. By Rebecca
100wc by Patrick
The funny clown
One day a kid named Gerald went to the circus to watch the clowns and the circus performers. He went with his Mom and Dad. The clowns were so funny Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. Halfway through he went to get some candyfloss from the stall. When he got back the clowns were out again making noise and causing mischief . When it was over Gerald went home. Gerald had a great time. They all did. He went to school the next day and told all his friends. They all started laugh. They all had a great day at school.
The end
By patrick
100wc by Liam
100 WC
One day Gerald decided to watch a comedy movie. So he called for his friends to see if they wanted to tag along. Halfway through the movie Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. When the movie was over they all went to get some Burger King for some food. They all thought the food was delicious. Then they all went back to Gerald’s house to play some games. At six o clock they were going to go home. Then Gerald asked his mom if his friends could stay for a sleepover. They stayed up all night talking and laughing.
The end
100wc by Keeley
100 w c
One day Gerald was so sad. He was so sad that the summer was nearly over. He didn’t want to go back to school. He had a great summer. The week before summer ended he invited his friends over to watch a movie. He got some treats, popcorn, pizza, sweets and some drinks to heave with his friends. He picked some comedies for them to watch. At 6 a ‘clock his friends arrived at the door. They were all excited to watch the movie Gerald just count stop laughing
The end
Day Out by Holly
Day out
Shane and his friends were going out today. They were going to the cinema, shopping and for food. There was 8 of them going.
When they were at the cinema they got popcorn and a drink. They were seeing a comedy. In the movies Cian, Emma, Lilly, Shane, Jack, Keeley, Ryan and Gerald just couldn’t stop laughing. After the movies they went to Primark, Zara, New Look, Bershka, Diesel, H&M and JD just because the girls wanted to go with their spare money. Then they went to Ginseng. Written by Holly Smith.
The End